Dialogue Japan Society

1 profile visit


The museum is designed to be an inclusive and interactive experience for all visitors. Programs offered: Dialogue in the Dark (DID): Visually-impaired guides lead the experience in complete darkness to enhance other senses and promote communication without relying on sight. In Japan, this program began in 1999, and more than 250,000 people have participated by 2023. Dialogue in Silence (DIS): In total silent, where sound is blocked by headsets, hearing-impaired guides show visitors how to communicate without using their voices. This program began in Japan in 2017 and approximately 20,000 participants has been experienced by 2023. Dialogue with Time (DWT): Elderly guides share their life stories, fostering intergenerational dialogue. This program started in Japan in 2019 and was held again in 2024. Real Dialogue Game (RDG): This program promotes real-life interactions with people of different abilities and cultures, focusing on inclusivity and understanding unconscious bias The museum provides thorough training for its employees to guide visitors through the various programs. The Dialogue Diversity Museum is b

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Shinsuke Shimura


Dialogue Japan Society