1 profile visit


The National Union of Disability Organizations in Rwanda (NUDOR) was established on 17/09/2010 by 8 organizations of persons with disabilities namely: AGHR, Collectif Tubakunde, NOUSPR, NPC Rwanda, RNADW, RNUD, RUB and THT. It was created as an umbrella organization that works to reflect the needs and interests of its member organizations and persons with disabilities in Rwanda.

NUDOR supports its members to ensure that the rights of persons with disabilities are respected at all levels and their needs are fully addressed, with an emphasis on empowerment.

NUDOR envisions a society where persons with disabilities enjoy equal human rights, opportunities and full participation as other citizens. Its mission is to serve as a voice of member organizations to advocate for disability rights and inclusion in all aspects of life and their full and effective engagement in sustainable development programs.


The mission of NUDOR is to serve as a voice of member organizations to advocate for disability rights, inclusion of all aspects of life and their full and effective engagement in sustainable development programs.


NUDOR’s Vision is a society where persons with disabilities enjoy equal human rights, opportunities and full participation as other citizens.


In line to the needs of persons with disabilities and their organizations, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals and the National Strategy for transformation.

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Sector of Organisation

Civil society

Civil Society

Associations and Umbrella Membership Organizations


Emile Cadet Vuningabo

Head of Programs