Nayi Disha
3 profile visits


Nayi Disha is a dedicated non-profit organization committed to supporting families who are the primary caregivers for children with autism, Down syndrome, and other developmental disabilities. Our mission is to empower these families by providing comprehensive support through reliable information, guidance, and a nurturing community.


To enable and equip families of individuals with developmental disabilities to be the change-agent in the development of their loved one, and not leave any family behind.

Provide hope and support to parents as primary caregivers of children touched by autism, down syndrome and other developmental disabilities.

Build an evolving ecosystem and a strong interactive community of all stakeholders including health and education providers, non-governmental organizations, and other families.

Drive the reach countrywide through the power of digital technology and innovation, in an understood language.

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Sector of Organisation

Civil society

Civil Society

NGO and Service Providers


Prachi Deo

Executive Director

Nayi Disha