Ethiopian Lawyers with Disabilities Association


The Ethiopian Lawyers with Disabilities Association (ELDA) was formed in November 2019 being the first-ever professional association of persons with disabilities with the aim of empowering, and advocating and defending the rights of persons with disabilities.

. The association was initiated by eight like-minded lawyers with disabilities and registered by the Ethiopian CSO Agencies with the certificate no. 4620 on December 19, 2019.


The Ethiopian Lawyers with Disabilities Association is the first-ever professional association of persons with disabilities bringing together lawyers engaged in policy review and analysis, attorneys, prosecutors, judges, legal advisors and students with disabilities studying law in different parts of the country. Currently, ELDA has 167 active and registered members with in the nation.

ELDA also welcomes lawyers with all types of disabilities as members and lawyers without disabilities who are like-minded and wish to make a difference in the lives of persons with disabilities in Ethiopia as associate members.

Vision – A just and inclusive society in Ethiopia where all rights are respected for all persons with disabilities.
Mission – ELDA works to ensure the full promotion, protection and respect of all rights for all persons with disabilities in Ethiopia. The UNCRPD is the basis of our work and we work to enhance the direct and indirect participation of persons with disabilities in the justice system including as witnesses, in all legal proceedings, at investigative and other preliminary stages.
Organizational Goals

o   Empower persons with disabilities and their representative organizations towards acquiring the required legal expertise to demand their rights and hold government at different levels accountable;

o   Engage in evidence-based advocacy including class action for promotion and protection of all rights for all persons with disabilities in the country;

o   Prevent and defend the violation of rights of persons with disabilities using different existing national, regional and international legal frameworks and;

o   Build the capacity of its members and facilitate the smooth undertaking of their profession by enhancing networking and peer learning.

Additional questions

Sector of Organisation

Civil society

Civil Society

NGO and Service Providers


Musie Tilahun

Executive Director

Ethiopian Lawyers with Disabilities Association