OHANA Co. is a sole social service provider specialized for ASD in Akita, Japan. We currently run 4 daily and residential care centers for children and adults with ASD and are planning to open more. Most of our clients have challenging behaviours such as self-injury and violence and have been rejected by other facilities. We accept them and use evidence-based methods such as ABA and TEACCH to support them. We have been providing vocational trainings for them to participate in coffee production using their strong attention to details for handpicking of raw coffee beans. We organize workshops and seminars for parents and caregivers to learn about the methods. Our aim is to create a society where anyone, including people with ASD and their families, can access necessary information and social services from early childhood till death, spreading the role model from Akita to the world.
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Sector of Organisation
Business sectorBusiness Sector
Small-/medium sized company SME