World Vision Zambia
1 profile visit


World Vision Zambia is a member of the World Vision International Partnership. We are a Christian relief, development and advocacy organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities to reach their full potential by tackling the root causes of poverty and injustice.

World Vision began working in Zambia in 1981 with three community development projects in Mkushi District of Central Province. Through Area Programmes and grant projects, World Vision Zambia focuses on key areas of education, health, livelihood, water and sanitation, child protection and spiritual nurture.

Children are at the heart of our work. Today, World Vision Zambia works in over 72 districts across ten (10) provinces to serve vulnerable children and communities in the country. With a workforce of over 500 professional staff, we work closely with communities, partners, and the Government of the Republic of Zambia to ensure vulnerable children live life in all of its fullness.

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Civil Society

NGO and Service Providers


Doreen Chizyuka

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Specialist

World Vision Zambia