Fondation Internationale Tierno & MAriam (FITIMA)
3 profile visits


The Fondation Internationale TIerno et MAriam (FITIMA) is a non-profit, non-political and non-denominational non-governmental organization. It was created in September 2003 by Madame Hawa DRAME. Its activities are grouped into 2 poles:

- FITIMA's first objective is to facilitate access to quality healthcare for children with disabilities, and their integration into society through socio-educational support. The care provided is comprehensive and based on a Human Rights and Child Protection approach. This is the “HANDICAP” cluster.

- FITIMA's second objective is to carry out community development projects (in favor of women, young people, and people with disabilities). This is the “COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT” division.

Today, FITIMA has 4 entities: 2 rehabilitation centers (FITIMA Guinea and FITIMA Burkina), 2 support associations (FITIMA Europe and CAFIT Guinea), and a higher institute of rehabilitation to train therapists for the care and support of people with disabilities, due to open in 2022. FITIMA is made up of permanent staff, temporary staff, and volunteers.

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Sector of Organisation

Civil society

Civil Society

NGO and Service Providers


Mariama Barry

Head of The community Development Section

Fondation Internationale Tierno & MAriam (FITIMA)