Zentrum für Sozialwirtschaft GmbH


The Center for Social Economy Ltd. (ZFSW), based in Graz, is a consultancy firm specializing in Austria's social economy and its international networking. It provides tailored solutions for political, legislative, and organizational development processes, deinstitutionalization processes as well as comprehensive studies on key issues of the social economy.

The team of shareholders and experts brings together decades of national and international experience in academia, politics, consultancy, and the management of social economy organizations.

The ZfSW offers interdisciplinary evaluations and studies, (legal) expert opinions, consultancy, and organizational development services in the areas of social economy, deinstitutionalization, social policy, social law, and social administration.

Its clients include the Bundesland Carinthia, Lebenshilfe Tirol, Pro Senectute, the City of Graz, the Disability Council of Graz, Lebenshilfe Steiermark, and EASPD.

Projects are the development of the inclusion strategy "Graz Inclusive – A City for Everyone" with the City of Graz, a regulatory sandbox "Inclusive employment" together with the Bundesland Carinthia, development of the concept "SELMA" to deinstitutionalize the housing opportunities for persons with disabilities of Lebenshilfe Tyrol, evaluation and development of strategies to develop vocational education for young people with disabilities in carinthia, to evaluate and consult social services supported by the labour market agency of Niederösterreich, to develop a system to support older persons who face violence for prosenectute, ...

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Business Sector



Franz Wolfmayr


Zentrum für Sozialwirtschaft GmbH