Nora Steinacher

Bibliotheksmitarbeiterin / library employee

arbas Tirol


7 profile visitsSpeaker

My organisation

Arbas Tirol, a DPO based in Innsbruck, launched the programme ‘mittendrin’ in 2013. Mittendrin offers support for people with high support needs, particularly those with learning difficulties and multiple disabilities, to find employment in the open labour market (in contrast to the Austrian system of sheltered workshops which do not provide social security coverage or decent salaries). Mittendrin uses personal future planning methods to identify participants' talents, dreams and potential work environments. It also organizes work experience placements, working together and supporting employers at the same time. Jobs are often tailored to combine the individual's and the company's needs. The range of jobs extends from retail, logistics, hospitality, office work to childcare. Once a job was found, ‘mittendrin’ provides ongoing support at the workplace to ensure that employees can manage their work life effectively. A mentor within the company acts as the main contact for the person with a disability. In addition, depending on the individual's needs, personal assistance can be provided in the workplace indefinitely. Mittendrin advises companies on issues such as funding and inclusion also and is an important contact point for people with disabilities, their relatives and their support networks. By 2024, Mittendrin supported 104 people, 76 of whom were able to find employment in the primary labor market.
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About me

Ich heiße Nora Steinacher, bin 1999 als erster Zwilling geboren und lebe in Tirol. Nach meinen inklusiven Kindergartenjahren in meiner Heimatgemeinde habe ich die Schule in der Landessonderschule Elisabethinum, Axams absolviert. Anfang 2018 beendete ich die Schule und begann ich in einer Tageswerkstätte des Diakoniewerks in Kirchbichl zu arbeiten. Gleichzeitig zog ich von zuhaus aus und wohne seitdem in einer betreuten Wohngemeinschaft.

Seit März 2022 arbeite ich, unterstützt durch meine PAA (Persönliche Arbeitsassistenz), als Biblitheksmitarbeiterin an der Fachhochschule Kufstein.

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Areas of Activity


Supported Employment

At #ZeroCon25, I am looking for...

Increase expertise in accessibility and inclusion

At #ZeroCon25, I am offering...

Increase expertise in accessibility and inclusion

Speaker sessions (2)

Friday, 7 March 2025

12:00 - 13:00

Mehr als nur ein Job – Inklusive und Innovative Arbeitsmodelle für den ersten Arbeitsmarkt (with translation into English)

Format:In-personLocation:M3Track:Zero Project Awardees
  • Supported Employment
  • In German Language with English translation
  • German captions | ÖGS

Diese Session der Zero Project Conference 2025 beleuchtet das wirtschaftliche Potenzial, das Menschen mit Behinderungen in den ersten Arbeitsmarkt einbringen können.

13:15 - 14:45

Forum der Selbstvertreter von Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten (with English translation)

  • Focus: Learning disabilities
  • In German Language with English translation
  • German captions | ÖGS
  • Graphic facilitation

Forum of Self-Representatives of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities - Selbstvertreter tauschen ihre Erfahrungen mit integrativen Beschäftigungsmodellen aus und erörtern Möglichkeiten des Übergangs von geschützten Werkstätten in die Arbeitswelt.