Laura Jones

Consultant - Analyst

Laura Jones (ClosertoEU Consulting)


33 profile visitsSpeaker

My organisation

Within social and employment policy, ClosertoEU consulting specialises in the topics of employment of persons with a disability and quality of social services. Clients have included the European Commission, NGOs and International consultancies.
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About me

Since 2023 Laura Jones has been a freelance analyst and moderator based in Greece, specialising in the employment of persons with disabilities, vocational rehabilitation and the quality of social services. She is the lead author of two publications within the European Commission's Disability Employment Package; the Manual for the Management of Chronic Diseases and the Prevention of Disabilities and the Guidelines for Effective Vocational Rehabilitation

Laura serves as an consultant to EPR, the European Platform for Rehabilitation, on its EQUASS quality framework, and is currently leading the revision of the framework. Additionally, she develops and implements Communication and Dissemination strategies in Horizon Europe research projects at Tech Hive Labs (THL) in Greece.

From 2015-2023 Laura was the Secretary General of EPR and took leading roles with Social Services Europe and the Inclusive Labour Market Alliance. Prior to this she worked at Eurodiaconia, focusing on long-term care and the funding of social services, and in the European Parliament.

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Areas of Activity


Supported EmploymentVocational TrainingTransition models from sheltered workshops

ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)

Social Media

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Increase expertise in accessibility and inclusionInvitations to international conferencesNetworkingProject CooperationsResearch Cooperations

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Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 6 March 2025

11:00 - 12:00

The Disability Employment Package of the EU and its effect – in cooperation with the European Commission

  • Supported Employment
  • English captions | International Sign

The objective of this session will be to highlight worthwhile policy advances and what allowed these models to succeed and create societal impact for persons with disabilities within Europe.

Speaker presentation

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