Ana Yolanda Lopez Dominguez

Directora General



8 profile visitsSpeaker

My organisation

PanQAyuda es una cooperativa inclusiva y socialmente responsable, comprometida con la transformación de vidas mediante la generación de empleo digno para personas con discapacidad y madres solteras. A través de la producción de repostería y alimentos gourmet de alta calidad, PanQAyuda combina excelencia culinaria con un profundo impacto social. Nuestra misión es empoderar a grupos vulnerables mediante la fabricación y comercialización de repostería y alimentos gourmet , fomentando habilidades técnicas, autonomía económica y un sentido de pertenencia. Nos distinguimos por nuestra capacidad de integrar innovación, inclusión y sostenibilidad, posicionándonos como un referente en el ámbito del emprendimiento social. PanQAyuda opera bajo un modelo que equilibra responsabilidad social con competitividad en el mercado, ofreciendo productos elaborados con los más altos estándares de calidad y cuidado. Más allá de la producción, nuestra visión es ser un puente hacia la equidad laboral y la transformación personal, demostrando que la inclusión no solo es posible, sino esencial para construir una sociedad más justa y próspera.
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About me

Biography of Ms. Ana Yolanda López Domínguez

Ms. Ana Yolanda López Domínguez is a social leader, entrepreneur, and speaker recognized nationally and internationally for her commitment to inclusion and the empowerment of vulnerable groups. With a career that blends social innovation and perseverance, Ana Yolanda has turned the challenges posed by her cerebral palsy into a driving force for creating positive social impact.

She is the co-founder and CEO of PanQAyuda, a cooperative dedicated to the production of gourmet pastries and food that employs people with disabilities. Under her leadership, this organization has become a model of social entrepreneurship that not only generates employment but also transforms lives through training and empowerment programs. Ana Yolanda is a strong advocate for the economic independence of people in vulnerable situations, promoting their labor integration so they can become active agents of change in their communities.

With a solid academic background and professional experience, Ana Yolanda has developed innovative projects focused on using information and communication technologies (ICT) to expand opportunities for inclusive employment. Her work has earned her multiple awards and recognitions, highlighting her ability to combine technological tools with social strategies that foster equity and sustainability.

In addition to her role as an entrepreneur, Ana Yolanda is a mother and motivator—a woman who has broken barriers and challenged the stigmas associated with disability. Her unique approach and charisma have made her an inspiring speaker at various forums and conferences, where she shares her experiences and insights on building a more inclusive world.

At The Proyecto Cero 2025 Conference: Employment and ICT, Ana Yolanda López Domínguez will present her vision of the intersection between labor inclusion and technology, offering practical solutions to overcome the challenges faced by people with disabilities in the workplace. Her testimony is a powerful reminder that innovation and empathy are key to transforming society.

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Additional questions

Title (Academic/Diplomatic/Aristocratic/Political)

Maestra en Desarrollo Humano en las Organizaciones



Areas of Activity


Entrepreneurship and micro-finance

ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)

Mobile Services and Smartphone Apps

Other Areas of Activity

Independent Living and Political Participation

At #ZeroCon25, I am looking for...

ConsultingFinancing/InvestmentIncrease expertise in accessibility and inclusionInvitations to international conferencesLicensing PartnershipsNetworkingProject CooperationsResearch Cooperations

At #ZeroCon25, I am offering...

Project CooperationsConsulting

Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 6 March 2025

11:20 - 12:20

Zero Project Scaling Solutions: Fellow Presentation (2/2)

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Assistive technologies
  • ICT innovations
  • English captions | International Sign

Discover disability inclusion innovations ready to be scaled across borders in two distinct Zero Project Scaling Solutions Sessions – Session 2/2.