Julius Mvenyi Ntobuah
Board Chairman
Newcomers with Disabilities in Sweden
20 profile visitsSpeaker
My organisation
Our goal is to work for new arrivals, refugees and asylum seekers with disabilities. We want to make it easier for our target group by offering the knowledge we have through our own experiences of being newly arrived in Sweden with a disability. We work directly with the target group by arranging social activities and excursions, guest speakers and personal help with what we can, such as explaining official documents, for example. In addition, we collaborate nationally and internationally with other organizations that come into contact with our target group or that pursue issues that affect our target group. Examples are UNHCR Nordic and Baltic region,
About me
Additional questions
Title (Academic/Diplomatic/Aristocratic/Political)
he/himI speak the following languages:
Areas of Activity
Supported EmploymentVocational Training
Other Areas of Activity
Independent Living and Political ParticipationAccessibility
At #ZeroCon25, I am looking for...
ConsultingInvitations to international conferencesNetworkingProject Cooperations
At #ZeroCon25, I am offering...
Invitations to international conferencesNetworkingProject CooperationsFinancing/Investment
Speaker sessions (1)
Thursday, 6 March 2025
12:40 - 13:10
Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
- Focus: Low- income countries
- English captions | International Sign
Innovative solutions are needed—and are already in action—to address the impact of the climate crisis and other crises on persons with disabilities worldwide.