Zero Project Awardee 2025Updated on 4 December 2024

Affordable, custom 3D-printed prostheses for underserved rural areas

Zero Project

Essl Foundation - Zero Project



Humanos 3D, a Colombian NGO, provides affordable 3D-printed prosthetics for people with upper limb disabilities. Launched in 2020, its Mobile Clinics project brings these solutions to rural areas. Since 2017 it has supported over 400 people across 32 municipalities, using open-source technology and offering supplies, training, and support services.

Solution: Mobile Clinics
Organization: 3D Human Corporation
Country of Implementation: Colombia

Find out more here: Zero Project Database

[Alt text: A young girl with a prosthetic arm sits on the lap of an adult, both smiling and fist-bumping. The prosthetic is colorful and child-friendly, demonstrating how assistive technology can be empowering and uplifting for young people, allowing them to experience life fully.]

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